How to start a blog and start earning money with ads

Hello Again! Hope you guys are staying well and safe. I thought of sharing some facts about my early experiences in relation to this blog which I am posting for some times. However, I should quote that this blog is not yet started earning money, I am also studying about blogging, SEO, Content marketing and running ads on blogs. All in all, lets start step … Continue reading How to start a blog and start earning money with ads

6 Passive income sources which are pandemic and future proof

As promised before, I am here today with bag filled of solid passive income options you can practice. You can make thousands of dollars while you sleep. It’s a great way to boost your income without having to work for it. I started diversifying my income to make it more sustainable and I’m not ashamed to admit that I was not expecting to live a … Continue reading 6 Passive income sources which are pandemic and future proof

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What is Passive Income? – Why Passive income is the only way of becoming a millionaire

What is a Passive Income Source? Passive income is the word where most of the people start searching for when they lost their jobs during pandemic lockdowns. The only reason is why passive income was searched most is that Passive Income itself showcases its freedom of earnings. Passive income is a way of deriving an income without being actively participating in economic activity. Such as … Continue reading What is Passive Income? – Why Passive income is the only way of becoming a millionaire

Top 4 passive income sources for 2021 | Part 01

As we all aware, the World still suffers from aftermaths of COVID-19 outbreak. During 2020, most parts of the world was under lockdown. Hence, most of the small companies got hit hard and had to dismiss companies and then their employees. As a result, majority of the rat race runners had a major risk of loosing their jobs or at least suffered from a pay … Continue reading Top 4 passive income sources for 2021 | Part 01

Accounting concepts that drives you to become a millionaire

As we all know, accounting is the most boredom subject ever founded. However, the fact is that, accounting is the only subject that can drive you in to financially successful person in this world. The only reason for this is that accounting is the only subject that speaks about management of final outcome of most of other subjects. Which is Money! What is accounting? Accounting … Continue reading Accounting concepts that drives you to become a millionaire

The difference between active and passive income sources

There has been a long-lasting debate in society about whether to get a job and stay safe or to get out of the safe zone and do your own business. However, the ultimate decision depends on the nature of risks that a person is willing to expose. If you are a risk-averse person: you will do the same work till you die or retire. Otherwise, … Continue reading The difference between active and passive income sources